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Pragmatic & Business Oriented Approach

We combine banking expertise with human relations and IT skills to help you get in control. Our business oriented consulting approach becomes most effective through close teamwork with your own specialists and through on the job knowledge transfer.

We bring you an advanced hands-on expertise, supported by the competency of high profile partners, to make the best of your available resources.In all projects we set priority on:


  • Full understanding of business strategy and required functionality
  • best results and clear documentation with minimum administration
  • Clear communication with business and IT users
  • Good teamwork with all involved business user groups
  • Acting as supporter and problem solver, not as external competitor
  • Detailed documentation and signoff on project milestones
  • Short ‘time-to-market’ deliveries, provide quick wins
  • Tailored user acceptance and detailed training
  • high level quality control and smooth change management


KS Consulting  | www.kscons.com